Dimensions: 60cm x 40.13cm
Dimensions: 77cm x 61cm
Dimensions: 70.1cm x 50cm
Dimensions: 60cm x 50cm
Dimensions: 40.13 cm x 50cm *SOLD
Dimensions: 42.24cm x 59.8cm
Dimensions: 64cm x 51.5cm
Dimensions: 71.12 cm x 57 cm *SOLD
Dimensions: 51cm x 58cm
Dimensions:101.6cm x18cm(4Panels|Each) *SOLD
Dimensions: 49.5cm x 33cm
Dimensions: 49.5cm x 33cm
Dimensions: 102.5cm x 76cm
Dimensions: 40cm x 53cm
Portraits are a wonderful medium to bring out emotions in their purest form. We use materials in monochrome tones to colourful mixes to bring out stark expressions in the portraits. Our expertise lies in the detailing of eyes, expressions, and emotions of the person to bring life to their features and the portrait as a whole.